
Automotive Production Plant:

ES working directly with Automotive Brands and their suppliers in developing conceptual and detail designs and bid packages for the assembly and second final-finish areas. We provide construction management and served as the general contractor on the project, managing installation contractors through checkout and startup of the process equipment.

  • Furniture Production Plant :

    Today, manufacturing furniture panels without powerful and reliable machinery is no longer conceivable. We offer a system that is ideally suited to your needs. The ideal solution combining storage, handling, transport and processing of workpieces ensures a reliable production process that will put you on the path to success. For series-manufactured furniture with an attractive price-performance ratio for your customers. Parts per shift is a figure that you will know only too well, as it defines the level of efficiency achieved. Mass production and identical parts per shift increase your return on investment (ROI).

  • Home Appliances Production Plant :

    Smart manufacturing has been defined as the fully-integrated, collaborative manufacturing systems that respond in real time to meet changing demands and conditions in the factory, in the supply network, and in customer needs. Smart industry is a synonym for Industry 4.0 or industrial transformation in the fourth industrial revolution within which smart manufacturing de facto fits. Industry, the manufacturing business, manufacturing companies and even manufacturing processes are in full transformation. This is mainly due to increasing automation, digital transformation, the bridging of digital and physical environments (as enabled by IoT or the Internet of Things), evolving industrial and manufacturing technologies, the intensive usage of data/analytics, industry and manufacturing challenges, human, economic and societal evolutions and demands and the integration of information technology and operational technology (IT and OT).